The Horse’s Way

(Individual & Team leadership)

Today’s world seems to be filled with confusion, overwhelm and challenges. Anxiety and fear conversations in our own minds and the media cause us to forget that we all are the authors of our lives. We cannot control circumstances, however we can use our free will to determine our responses.

We can create positive change and find fulfillment within us regardless of the external circumstances, thus finding peace in the eye of the storm. This work applies horse sense to your life, especially when common sense falls short.

Horses possess keen perception abilities. They innately understand people and have an uncanny ability to sense the unspoken. They know your intentions and agenda sometimes even before you do. You can tell whatever story you want and people may believe you. However, a horse will know if it is true. They know what is honest and authentic.

Your success in life is not based on what you have. The true measure of a successful and meaningful life is who you are as a being and how you relate to your life. Horses are herd animals and have a herd hierarchy. There is an order within the herd much like in families and corporations. Everyone has a contributing role. Discover your leadership skills and style and learn how to become a true leader in every area of your life.

The following tools will be useful in your people relations as well:

  • Learn to quickly create a successful relationship through clear communication

  • Transmute frustration & upsetting situations into successful communications

  • Create a trust based partnership through keeping your word and having clear energy

  • Create a positive & rewarding environment around you

  • Learn to create focus, trust & respect

  • Learn to recognize and how to read body language

  • Replace force and passive aggression with assertive intention

  • Create true motivation and inspiration for you and others around you